NuXT motherboard - A May-December Marriage Of Technology

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome in the Retro Computing world is obtaining period correct parts. The older the computer is, the harder and more expensive it becomes to put together a complete system. Everything from expansion cards to the keyboard and monitor are all from a bygone era. This is especially true for PC/XT class computers. The NuXT motherboard tries to address all of this while staying true to this type of computer from the 1980s. The NuXT is sold by Monotech Vintage PCs out of New Zealand. Here is a list of features and a few pictures: 8088 and NEC V20 CPU support 8087 math co-processor support 9.55MHz, switchable to 4.77MHz or 7.16MHz on the fly Dual 64K ROM, switchable with DIP switch, writeable 832K RAM 640K conventional up to 192K UMB RAM (160K max when using VGA) UMB-Configured DOS 6.22 uses only 10K conventional! PC/104 Expansion Platform (optional) PC/104 SVGA card, with VGA...